Our Topic: Art: a basic human need; partners from Great Britain, Germany, France Lithuania, Czech Republic and Turkey working in education realise they need to cooperate to provide an option for changing the coming disasters into actual opportunities for a culture leading Europe tomorrow. Whether the aging population will be able to rely on the soundness of its social systems will depend EXCLUSIVELY on the work-dynamic of the coming generation! The Didactic-Pilot has been created in order to support in comprehensible and appealing way those who are responsible. The ground-breaking findings of current research in cognitive neurology provide help of so far unknown dimensions especially with regard to school application rejections, violence and social exclusion. The recent dicoveries about the importance of brain-friendly learning are revolutionary. But they will be too late if they’re not also met by parents in particular in the first instance. The partners therefore follow the appeal of the leading scientists at the 5th World Symposium “Decade of the Mind” 12th September 2009 in Berlin, who were demanding the direct transfer of scientific knowledge to the public in order to serve an evidence-based education. The partners share the conviction that only the direct cooperation of currently active pedagogical staff with scientists will enable us to seize the tremendous opportunities the 21st century offers at the beginning of the electronic era. Project application
Why Art ? International analyses confirm that priority should be given to artistic development in education and economy as the leisure society of post-industrial Europe will depend largely on art as a resource, product and new market sector. In this respect, the OECD has set a landmark in 2006 within the Programme “Schooling Tomorrow“ : «personalising learning» is of growing prominence in thinkíng and policy discussions on the future of education ..It springs from the awareness, that <one–size-fits-all> approaches are ill-adapted both to the individuals and the knowledge society at large. ...promoting life long learning, the agendas reach well beyond the institutional confines of the places called «schools».” Cooperation: The following publications were translated and published in the 6 partner countries: Executive Functions – Conditions for successful Learning,
CZ Non-violent Learning to ensure Education The following guests were translated into 6 languages GUEST LECTURER FROM GERMANY: Michael Fritz, former School Director and Managing Director of ZNL
Miriam Kilali, price awarded artist, Berlin. Slide show and conference about:
Björn Rudolph, Trainer. Workshop: Movement activities, reaction exercises, verbal exercises and role playing to deflect physical assault. GUEST LECTURER FROM FRANCE: Dr. Corinne Hehn, Directot of the Association Parenthèse, slide show and conference: Caroline Audes-Reeb, Directrice Adjointe, Collège Stockfeld with the Orchestra of the under-achieving school: musical performence and pupil’s poetry. Auftritte. Alain Sotto, Neuropsychologist. Conference: Conflicts between traditional classroom-education and the neuronal process of memorisation. When education and learning become a science. | |||