Didactic Pilot Logo

didaktik pilot

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GD Bildung und Kultur

Study on neurodidactic approach for foreign language acquisition with highly significant results.

In December filmclips of the studies will be published here

Your online up-dates!
Customer licenced methodologies:
Schooling for the nex generation.

TED in your language

Presentation tools:
Present me
Classroom tools
Cartoon creators
Animation creators


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English for kids: “Happy Genius” by Pinar Erdinç, published at 'Bisiklet Yayıncılık',
It is fun to learn English with all your senses: puzzles, interactive wall posters, cards combining words, pictures, etc.

Learn English by playing drama:
discover new writers, new stories...

How does foreign language decoding work and why is it so successful ?



English for French speakers
English for German speakers
English for Turkish speakers
Italian for French speakers
Italian for German speakers
Italian for Turkish speakers
Italian for English speakers
Italian for Lithuanian speakers
Italian for Czech speakers


Science-Slam Film-Clips

Why is French erotic?

More at Youtube: enter „Science slam“ + key words you are interested in!


Feelings are ‚memory keys’
Why actors would make the best teachers. here

Dil (Yabancı dil):

Bu proje “ Sanat : İnsanın temel ihtiyacıdır “ No: 2009-1-FR-1GRU-07061 Avrupa birliği komisyonu tarafından destek alarak yapılmıştır. Bu yayın yazarın fikirlerini gösterir ve komisyon bu durumdan dolayı içeriğindeki bilgiden sorumlu tutulamaz.