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didactic pilot

Joyful learning

GD Bildung und Kultur

The brain notices what it can see in front of it and where the observer feels at home and cozy


A day which doesn’t make
you smile
is a day lost.

     Charlie Chaplin

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Teaching material can hardly be sufficiently concreet.

  • Are you used to seeing the world through the eyes of a child as a bundle of captivatng stories ?
  • Do you like to discover the world with a sketch book in your hand?
  • Do you bubble over with ideas how to illustrate things like that
You may find here a platform to become famous and to cooperate in future projects

  • Child-adapted, exciting, ethically correct
  • Metaphorical illustration of the educational content.
    (some inspirations e.g. under science-slam at youtube)
  • Maximum correspondence between the image/metaphor and the educational content.
  • Avoid random phantasy.

The project N° 2009-1-FR1-GRU06-07061 « Art : a basic human need. Neurodidactic Answers to increasing social challenges» has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the respective authors, and neither the Commission nor the project partners can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.