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didactic pilot

Joyful learning

GD Bildung und Kultur
There have always been pioneers who instinclively had the right head for learning

The new thing is that this is not a question of random instinct anymore:

Now the criteria of what makes education successful and what makes it dificult are known.


Experiencing something
through a like-minded friend
is almost like experiencing it oneself.



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Welcome to those who wish to make education and brain-friendliness go hand in hand.

The project N° 2009-1-FR1-GRU06-07061 « Art : a basic human need. Neurodidactic Answers to increasing social challenges» has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the respective authors, and neither the Commission nor the project partners can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.