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didactic pilot

Joyful learning

GD Bildung und Kultur

Order is no protection against mistakes!

even a well disciplined parental home with a structured daily routine can sometimes make mistakes for lack of instructions

First fun ...

... then work

Don’t forget what a child might have gone through during a school day.


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At this stage, at the latest, it should be clear that a “manual for the brain user” could be useful. Or are you already convinced it’s important that children watch TV after school?

This is not to be understood as a recommendation for increased TV viewing; that would be a cardinal misunderstanding! But we should make good choices as
to what we do towards evening and before going to bed, as this will be repeated the entire night by the brain so thoroughly as though we had been practicing throughout the night, in order to perform better in the morning.

This is where we get the old saying, that we should put whatever we need to learn under our pillow. Of course, it has nothing to do with the pillow. But we have probably had another look at it before placing it under the pillow and what has been impressed upon us again directly before going to sleep will in fact be trained in the brain throughout the night as we sleep.

So: by showing films in the evening we are raising proper little casting experts.

But why watch TV just after school? No, as already stated, this is not a recommendation. Sports, music, riding a bike are all better; they are activities that rinse away the stress hormones, which after a loud day at school have flown into our veins and settled over the brain, paralyzing it.
Only when there is no strength left for all this, can a nice and funny or romantic film still work wonders, because this also rinses the veins through (no action or horror films, of course, which only pile on even more stress hormones!)

When the chemistry in the veins is right again, then the head is also clear and homework can be done more easily.

The project N° 2009-1-FR1-GRU06-07061 « Art : a basic human need. Neurodidactic Answers to increasing social challenges» has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the respective authors, and neither the Commission nor the project partners can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.