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didactic pilot

Учимся с удовольствием!

GD Bildung und Kultur

«Мы больше не можем позволить себе поступать так, как будто мы ничего не знаем о функционировании нашего самого ценного устройства: Мозга».
Проф. доктор М. Спитцер

new knowledge – new goals!

open up new
horizons for

Brilliant ideas

Best practice




Prof. M. Spitzer
“Schools can be a place a child can hardly wait to go to in the morning, and by the afternoon regret not being allowed to stay longer.”

Gerald Hüther
„Without emotion, forget about learning!“

Ken Robinson:
“Our educational sytem hasmined our minds the way we stigmatize the earth. For the future it wont serv! We can’t afford to go on that way! ”

Elizabeth Gilbert
“Look at the very grim death count in the 20th century of really magnificient creative minds who died young and often form their own hands. I don’t want to see it perpatuated into the next century; better if we encourage our great minds to live!”

фильм про музыку как спорт
учение с высоко значительными результатами.


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What do you find where?              

Did you know = what harms / what helps learning
Best Practice = Teaching material
Links = Institutions and Literature

Why vertical collumns?

Left collumn    = the topic
Middle collumn = for your heart
Right collumn = for your mind

Good news!

Learning is set to become a lot of fun in the future:
Scientists discover that intelligence depends on movement!

Learning methods and styles of upbringing were until now matters of opinion. Today science is coming up with facts on how we can spare our children pointless digressions and tiresome tests.

As with the discovery of a new continent, for the first time in history researchers are opening their eyes wide to the biology of learning.

Проект «Искусство- естественная потребность человека» N° 2009-1-FR1-GRU06-07061 был финансирован с помощью Европейской комиссии. Публикация отражает мнение авторов, и Европейская комиссия не ответственна за данную информацию, содержащуюся здесь или любое ее использование.