“From its roots in slavery, this music has raised a passionate voice against all forms of oppression. It speaks a language of freedom that is meaningful to all cultures. Making the most of cultural diversity is a task we all share”
Irina Bokova
Has musical activity the potential to become a popular sport ?
Didactic, biologic, cultural and economic reflections
Ist Musik ein Sport der Zukunft
La Musique comme activité sportive
String-Kit facilitating the learning of string instruments
NEWroLOGIC: the turbo for musical education
Examples for imaging DE FR
Examples for verbalisation of motor processes what playing a musical intrument

Integration examples uniting beginners and advenced musicians
Rhythm is it

Science-Slam Film-Clips
Music Cryptography + the thumprint of composers:More at Youtube: enter „Science slam“ + key words you are interested in!
Feelings are ‚memory keys’
Why actors would make the best teachers. here