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didactic pilot

Joyful learning

GD Bildung und Kultur


Study on the increase of general well-being and intelligence through musical education testing the effect of neurodidactic versus traditional approach with highly significant results.

music study

Read on to find out what captivates learners' interest, why and at what time.

There are also links to relevant initiatives and institutions.


Film about music as a sport, Study with highly significant results.

This cours has also been carried out in Germany (Geschwister-Scholl-Schule Tübingen and Verein für Jugendhilfe Böblingen) in France (Orphanage Straßburg-Neuhof), in Czech Republic (Textilní dílna Gawain, Prague) und in Turkey (Buyukhanli Kardesler School, Ankara).


"Science Slam:
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Customer licenced methodologies:
Schooling for the nex generation.

Humour and clarity relating to daily life and topical aspects while communicating scientific knowledge attracts already a large public which enters the competition halls.


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UN celebrates legacy of jazz as a force of social transformation
“From its roots in slavery, this music has raised a passionate voice against all forms of oppression. It speaks a language of freedom that is meaningful to all cultures. Making the most of cultural diversity is a task we all share”
Irina Bokova

Has musical activity the potential to become a popular sport ?

Didactic, biologic, cultural and economic reflections

Ist Musik ein Sport der Zukunft
La Musique comme activité sportive

String-Kit facilitating the learning of string instruments

DE  EN  FR  

NEWroLOGIC: the turbo for musical education
Examples for imaging   DE  FR  

Examples for verbalisation of motor processes what playing a musical intrument

Bach-Gounod    Bach

Integration examples uniting beginners and advenced musicians

Rhythm is it    Rhythm is it

Science-Slam Film-Clips

Music Cryptography + the thumprint of composers:

More at Youtube: enter „Science slam“ + key words you are interested in!

Feelings are ‚memory keys’
Why actors would make the best teachers. here

The project N° 2009-1-FR1-GRU06-07061 « Art : a basic human need. Neurodidactic Answers to increasing social challenges» has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the respective authors, and neither the Commission nor the project partners can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.